Capillary 50 2ltr+Cap-S-black

Item No.017110100
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The capillary dripper is one of the first type of drippers. The capacity of the capillary dripper is determined by: the work pressure, length and inner diameter of the capillary. Because of this it obtained a wide variety of capacities. The flow in the capillary is non-turbulent. The capacities per dripper can vary significantly (higher heating value), especially when the drippers are somewhat older, and thus dirtier. The obstruction sensitivity is higher than its later successors such as the Cobra, the Woodpecker and the Kameleon


Mounted set
Microtube color
Microtube Length (cm)

Capillary 50 2ltr+Cap-S-black

Item No.017110100
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​​​​Royal Brinkman does not provide their services to any company outside of the horticulture.​​​​
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The capillary dripper is one of the first type of drippers. The capacity of the capillary dripper is determined by: the work pressure, length and inner diameter of the capillary. Because of this it obtained a wide variety of capacities. The flow in the capillary is non-turbulent. The capacities per dripper can vary significantly (higher heating value), especially when the drippers are somewhat older, and thus dirtier. The obstruction sensitivity is higher than its later successors such as the Cobra, the Woodpecker and the Kameleon


Mounted set
Microtube color
Microtube Length (cm)