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How to create air movement in the greenhouse?

Due to good insulation, modern greenhouses have little natural air movement. This causes temperatures to be different in different areas, as a result of which cold or warm corners can be created in the greenhouse. The consequence is that differences are created in the growth of the crop. Partly due to the emergence of the New Growing, increasingly more attention is given to the creation of air movement in the greenhouse. In this article, our specialist explains about air movement and the different technologies that can be used to realize it.
Ventilator in Greenhouse
Ben Peters 
Technical Accountmanager | September 10, 2020 | 2 min. reading time

Consequences of a lack of air movement

Due to a lack of air movement temperature differences are created in the greenhouse. This has multiple consequences. For example, poor drainage of moisture and reduced evaporation, but also it could cause additional heating of the crop as a result of less radiation. This all adversely affects the crop. That is the reason why growers increasingly more often search for technologies to create air movement. This namely stimulates the evaporation and limits the moisture problem and, as such, the burden of diseases.

Ventilators for the creation of air movement

A widely applied method for the creation of air movement in the greenhouse is the use of ventilators. There are different types of ventilators: ventilators that create horizontal air movement and ventilators that create vertical air movement.

Horizontal ventilators

Horizontal ventilators are an important form of air support in crop protection technologies like the Enbar LVM: the ventilators ensure that the crop protection agents are divided across the crop uniformly. By placing multiple ventilators in sequence, a steady air movement is created.

Vertical ventilators

Vertical ventilators are used to relocate the warm air from the top of the greenhouse to the bottom of the crop by use of an air hose/duct. This warm air divides across the crop, enabling the heat to be utilized and energy-saving is required.  

Air conductors

Also ventilators with air conductors can be chosen. These create an improved air bundling, due to which the air capacity and air movement speed are kept across a greater distance and the scope is improved. Figure below shows the improved scope. All of these ventilators can ultimately be controlled by a speed controller
Role of air conductor
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How to create air movement in the greenhouse?

Due to good insulation, modern greenhouses have little natural air movement. This causes temperatures to be different in different areas, as a result of which cold or warm corners can be created in the greenhouse. The consequence is that differences are created in the growth of the crop. Partly due to the emergence of the New Growing, increasingly more attention is given to the creation of air movement in the greenhouse. In this article, our specialist explains about air movement and the different technologies that can be used to realize it.
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Ben Peters, Technical account manager
Ben Peters 
Technical Accountmanager | September 10, 2020 | 2 min. reading time
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Ventilator in Greenhouse

Consequences of a lack of air movement

Due to a lack of air movement temperature differences are created in the greenhouse. This has multiple consequences. For example, poor drainage of moisture and reduced evaporation, but also it could cause additional heating of the crop as a result of less radiation. This all adversely affects the crop. That is the reason why growers increasingly more often search for technologies to create air movement. This namely stimulates the evaporation and limits the moisture problem and, as such, the burden of diseases.

Ventilators for the creation of air movement

A widely applied method for the creation of air movement in the greenhouse is the use of ventilators. There are different types of ventilators: ventilators that create horizontal air movement and ventilators that create vertical air movement.

Horizontal ventilators

Horizontal ventilators are an important form of air support in crop protection technologies like the Enbar LVM: the ventilators ensure that the crop protection agents are divided across the crop uniformly. By placing multiple ventilators in sequence, a steady air movement is created.

Vertical ventilators

Vertical ventilators are used to relocate the warm air from the top of the greenhouse to the bottom of the crop by use of an air hose/duct. This warm air divides across the crop, enabling the heat to be utilized and energy-saving is required.  

Air conductors

Also ventilators with air conductors can be chosen. These create an improved air bundling, due to which the air capacity and air movement speed are kept across a greater distance and the scope is improved. Figure below shows the improved scope. All of these ventilators can ultimately be controlled by a speed controller
Role of air conductor
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Can't find your answer? Fill out the contact form and our specialist Ben Peters will get back to you. On weekdays, even within 24 hours.
Ben Peters Technical account manager
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