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How do you calculate the required storage capacity for fertilizers?

When building and/or increasing your cultivation area it is important to calculate the storage capacity for your fertilizers in advance. Too little storage capacity of fertilizers means many more delivery moments in your company  or the chance of a temporary shortage of fertilizers. Therefore it’s good to know if you took sufficient time to calculate the required storage capacity for your cultivation. 
Calculate storage capacity fertilizers
Jaap Lubbersen
Product specialist Crop Care | 15 February 2021 | 2 min. reading time

Calculate the required storage capacity of fertilizers

To determine what storage capacity is most efficient you could use your annual consumption use fertilizer schedule. The ideal situation is that you don't need more than 13 fertilizer delivery moments in a calendar year. Based on this calculation, you can determine the necessary capacity for your fertilizer storage via the following calculation:

Number of liters of nutritional water per hectare × Total hectare / Number of desired delivery days per week = Capacity of fertilizer unit in liters

Store fertilizers safely

In addition to the storage capacity of fertilizers, a safe way of storing fertilizers is also an important point. The wrong storage of fertilizers can have catastrophic consequences!

Liquid fertilizers, pH and EC

Liquid fertilizers contain certain acids. These are materials with very pH levels. The materials opposite to acids are bases which have higher pH values. When an acid and a base mix in a fertilizer container it will cause a reaction. This reaction results in water and heat.  A surplus of acid will cause a pH which is too low. Therefore pH control is of great importance.

Essential fertilizers for a competitive price 

Royal Brinkman offers a wide range of fertilizers against highly competitive prices and transport costs. Contact us for specialized advice about the best fertilizers for your crop.
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How do you calculate the required storage capacity for fertilizers?

When building and/or increasing your cultivation area it is important to calculate the storage capacity for your fertilizers in advance. Too little storage capacity of fertilizers means many more delivery moments in your company  or the chance of a temporary shortage of fertilizers. Therefore it’s good to know if you took sufficient time to calculate the required storage capacity for your cultivation. 
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Jaap Lubbersen
Jaap Lubbersen
Product specialist Crop Care | February 15, 2021 | 1 min. reading time
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Calculate storage capacity fertilizers

Calculate the required storage capacity of fertilizers

To determine what storage capacity is most efficient you could use your annual consumption use fertilizer schedule. The ideal situation is that you don't need more than 13 fertilizer delivery moments in a calendar year. Based on this calculation, you can determine the necessary capacity for your fertilizer storage via the following calculation:

Number of liters of nutritional water per hectare × Total hectare / Number of desired delivery days per week = Capacity of fertilizer unit in liters

Store fertilizers safely

In addition to the storage capacity of fertilizers, a safe way of storing fertilizers is also an important point. The wrong storage of fertilizers can have catastrophic consequences!

Liquid fertilizers, pH and EC

Liquid fertilizers contain certain acids. These are materials with very pH levels. The materials opposite to acids are bases which have higher pH values. When an acid and a base mix in a fertilizer container it will cause a reaction. This reaction results in water and heat.  A surplus of acid will cause a pH which is too low. Therefore pH control is of great importance.

Essential fertilizers for a competitive price 

Royal Brinkman offers a wide range of fertilizers against highly competitive prices and transport costs. Contact us for specialized advice about the best fertilizers for your crop.
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Can't find your answer? Fill out the contact form and our specialist Jaap Lubbersen will get back to you. On weekdays, even within 24 hours.
Jaap Lubbersen
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