Shading Paint Remover
Greenhouse Glassclean 20 ltr (480).
Item No.181006042
Oxalic acid (1000) 25kg.
Item No.956003257
Removit (720) 20 L.
Item No.181006494
At the end of the season which a shading agent was needed, the shading agent can be removed from the greenhouse. For a clean result a shading agent remover should be used. Always use the correct shading agent remover on the used chalk or coating layer in the right dosage for a clean result.
Why remove shading agents and chalk agents?
Shading agents and chalk agents must be removed at the right time of year. This way you can protect the crop in the summer with a shading agent, but this protection is not necessary in periods with little sun and light. Therefore, the shading agent or chalk agent must also be removed from the greenhouse cover.
How to remove shading agents?
But how can shading agents best be removed from the greenhouse cover? All Royal Brinkman shading agents can easily be removed with a special shading agent remover; Removit. This shading agent remover ensures that the shading agents materials can be removed from the greenhouse roof at any time. The shading agents can also be removed using the Glasshouse Cleaner Topcleanerwith brushes and water.
3 product(s) found
Shading Paint Remover
At the end of the season which a shading agent was needed, the shading agent can be removed from the greenhouse. For a clean result a shading agent remover should be used. Always use the correct shading agent remover on the used chalk or coating layer in the right dosage for a clean result.
Greenhouse Glassclean 20 ltr (480).
Item No.181006042
Oxalic acid (1000) 25kg.
Item No.956003257
Removit (720) 20 L.
Item No.181006494
Why remove shading agents and chalk agents?
Shading agents and chalk agents must be removed at the right time of year. This way you can protect the crop in the summer with a shading agent, but this protection is not necessary in periods with little sun and light. Therefore, the shading agent or chalk agent must also be removed from the greenhouse cover.
How to remove shading agents?
But how can shading agents best be removed from the greenhouse cover? All Royal Brinkman shading agents can easily be removed with a special shading agent remover; Removit. This shading agent remover ensures that the shading agents materials can be removed from the greenhouse roof at any time. The shading agents can also be removed using the Glasshouse Cleaner Topcleaner with brushes and water.