Diffuse light increases yield in tomato, pepper and other crops
Particularly in high-rising crops such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumber crops, light distribution is not optimal. In these crops, the upper leaves capture a lot of light, more than is used for photosynthesis. The lower layers of the crop, on the other
hand, receive too little light so the lower leaves hardly contribute to photosynthesis and growth. Diffuse light penetrates deeper into the crop and therefore gives a better horizontal and vertical light distribution. This increases photosynthesis,
lowers the head temperature at high irradiance and thus reduces the risk of photo-inhibition. Photosynthesis lowers the head temperature at high irradiance and thus reduces the chance of photoinhibition. For tomatoes, a production increase of up to 10%
can be achieved with diffuse glass, provided the light transmission of the greenhouse roof is not exceeded. Want to know how you can increase your yield through diffused light? Then download our Whitepaper for more information.