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Why is fertilizing with nitrogen important?

Nitrogen is an item, a lot of attention is given to within the horticultural sector. This element is needed by the plant, besides the other head and trace elements. But what exactly does nitrogen do? Why is it so important to your crops? And in what forms can nitrogen be added to your crop? Our fertilizer specialist have provided an explanation below. 
Fertilizing with nitrogen
Han van der Kooij
Product specialist Fertilizers | June 22, 2021 | 4 min. reading time

What is nitrogen?

Nitrogen (N) is an element, which is also found in the atmosphere. The human body does not need the nitrogen we breathe in, but plants do need this important element. This is why in horticulture, extra nitrogen is added to the plants.

Why fertilize with nitrogen?

Nitrogen is crucial to plants, especially in the growth phase (vegetative phase). The cell elongation and development of leafs can be thanked to this nutritional element. Mainly during the growth phase, cultivators make the decision to add extra nitrogen through fertilizers. Furthermore, nitrogen is essential in the process of photosynthesis. Nitrogen is needed by the plant in order to transfer it to chlorophyll. With the presence chlorophyll, the process of photosynthesis can take place, in which carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen and glucose.

Nitrogen surplus

Just like all the other nutritional elements, the input of nitrogen must be limited. When a nitrogen surplus occurs, the risk for diseases, limp and dark green leafs increases. In addition, extensive growth and later ripening of the product, are symptoms which are in line with a nitrogen surplus.  

Nitrogen deficiency

Noticed yellow or light green discoloration of the older leafs? Remarked a brake in the plant’s growth, or a sudden increase in the volume and growth of the roots? These could be indications of a nitrogen deficiency. 

Basically, a nitrogen deficiency can occur in any plant. This can be remarked by a brake in growth, the falling-out of leafs and stalks that turn red or purple.

A nitrogen deficiency can be caused by various factors. A surplus of potassium, zinc or manganese in the soil or substrate could lead to a serious deficiency, as well as an excess amount of chloride.
The root environment not functioning properly, as a result of damage, diseases or low temperatures, are factors which should be taken into account when a nitrogen deficiency is noticed. 
A deficiency can be solved by adding extra nitrogen to the plant. This can be done through several sources. 

What sources of nitrogen are there?

When urea is added to the plant, it has to be converted into nitrogen by the soil life, in order to be available to the crop. It is discouraged to make use of urea products, when soil life is not present (e.g. in substrate). This, since it must perform an essential process, before the plant can actually make use of this nutritional element. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind, urea does not have an EC.

Just like urea, ammonia is an indirect source of nitrogen. Ammonia also needs a conversion by the soil life, before the plant can take in the nitrogen. A product such as ammonia nitrate can be added to the fertilization scheme in order to fulfill the plant’s need for nitrogen. 

Unlike urea and ammonia, nitrate is a direct source of nitrogen, meaning the nitrogen is available to the plant the moment it is added. Potassium nitrate can be used to offer nitrogen to the plant. It can be dissolved easily, however rinses out quickly.

What product is suitable for me? 

The sources of nitrogen listed above, vary from each other. This also leads to different preferences of cultivators. One might be satisfied with the use of urea, while the other would rather make use of a direct source, like nitrate. 

Are you growing your crops on substrate? Then we recommend to make use of nitrogen in the form of nitrate, since this is the only source that is not depending on the conversion of the soil life. In general,  no use of the soil life is made in substrate cultivations. 

Are you growing your crops in soil? Then we advize nitrate, urea and ammonia. The soil life will be responsible for the conversion. If your crop is sensitive to ammonia, it is better to choose urea as a source of nitrogen. 

Essential fertilizers for a competitive price

Royal Brinkman offers a wide range of fertilizers against highly competitive prices and transport costs. Contact us for specialized advice about the best fertilizers for your crop.
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Also interesting for you

Why is fertilizing with nitrogen important?

Nitrogen is an item, a lot of attention is given to within the horticultural sector. This element is needed by the plant, besides the other head and trace elements. But what exactly does nitrogen do? Why is it so important to your crops? And in what forms can nitrogen be added to your crop? Our fertilizer specialist have provided an explanation below. 
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Han van der Kooij
Han van der Kooij
Product specialist Fertilizers | June 22, 2021 | 4 min. reading time
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Fertilizing with nitrogen
Topics in this article

What is nitrogen?

Nitrogen (N) is an element, which is also found in the atmosphere. The human body does not need the nitrogen we breathe in, but plants do need this important element. This is why in horticulture, extra nitrogen is added to the plants.

Why fertilize with nitrogen?

Nitrogen is crucial to plants, especially in the growth phase (vegetative phase). The cell elongation and development of leafs can be thanked to this nutritional element. Mainly during the growth phase, cultivators make the decision to add extra nitrogen through fertilizers. Furthermore, nitrogen is essential in the process of photosynthesis. Nitrogen is needed by the plant in order to transfer it to chlorophyll. With the presence chlorophyll, the process of photosynthesis can take place, in which carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen and glucose.

Nitrogen surplus

Just like all the other nutritional elements, the input of nitrogen must be limited. When a nitrogen surplus occurs, the risk for diseases, limp and dark green leafs increases. In addition, extensive growth and later ripening of the product, are symptoms which are in line with a nitrogen surplus.

Nitrogen deficiency

Noticed yellow or light green discoloration of the older leafs? Remarked a brake in the plant’s growth, or a sudden increase in the volume and growth of the roots? These could be indications of a nitrogen deficiency. 

Basically, a nitrogen deficiency can occur in any plant. This can be remarked by a brake in growth, the falling-out of leafs and stalks that turn red or purple.

A nitrogen deficiency can be caused by various factors. A surplus of potassium, zinc or manganese in the soil or substrate could lead to a serious deficiency, as well as an excess amount of chloride.
The root environment not functioning properly, as a result of damage, diseases or low temperatures, are factors which should be taken into account when a nitrogen deficiency is noticed. 
A deficiency can be solved by adding extra nitrogen to the plant. This can be done through several sources.

What sources of nitrogen are there?

When urea is added to the plant, it has to be converted into nitrogen by the soil life, in order to be available to the crop. It is discouraged to make use of urea products, when soil life is not present (e.g. in substrate). This, since it must perform an essential process, before the plant can actually make use of this nutritional element. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind, urea does not have an EC.

Just like urea, ammonia is an indirect source of nitrogen. Ammonia also needs a conversion by the soil life, before the plant can take in the nitrogen. A product such as ammonia nitrate can be added to the fertilization scheme in order to fulfill the plant’s need for nitrogen. 

Unlike urea and ammonia, nitrate is a direct source of nitrogen, meaning the nitrogen is available to the plant the moment it is added. Potassium nitrate can be used to offer nitrogen to the plant. It can be dissolved easily, however rinses out quickly.

What product is suitable for me? 

The sources of nitrogen listed above, vary from each other. This also leads to different preferences of cultivators. One might be satisfied with the use of urea, while the other would rather make use of a direct source, like nitrate. 

Are you growing your crops on substrate? Then we recommend to make use of nitrogen in the form of nitrate, since this is the only source that is not depending on the conversion of the soil life. In general,  no use of the soil life is made in substrate cultivations. 

Are you growing your crops in soil? Then we advize nitrate, urea and ammonia. The soil life will be responsible for the conversion. If your crop is sensitive to ammonia, it is better to choose urea as a source of nitrogen. 

Essential fertilizers for a competitive price

Royal Brinkman offers a wide range of fertilizers against highly competitive prices and transport costs. Contact us for specialized advice about the best fertilizers for your crop.
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Can't find your answer? Fill out the contact form and our specialist Han van der Kooij will get back to you. On weekdays, even within 24 hours.
Han van der Kooij
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