Mineral fertilizers, also known as chemical fertilizers, are not fully built on natural materials. This, because mineral fertilizers emerge after a chemical process. Nonetheless, the materials that can be found in these fertilizers, can also be found in the natural environment.
All elements that are present in a mineral fertilizer can be taken in by the plant instantly, since no conversion is needed. This is seen as an advantage, because the fertilizer is not dependent on the soil live. Besides, these fertilizers are easily soluble and therefore easy to add to the plant. In addition, the
nutritional scheme can be composed in line with the plant’s needs and is therefore always in line with the cultivator’s wishes.
As opposed to making use of organic fertilizers, the use of mineral fertilizers gives the plant the opportunity to ‘choose’ one or more element which is needed at that specific moment. With mineral fertilizers the possibility for a more steered/aimed fertilization is given. Therefore, it is possible to meet all of the plant’s needs, which are calculated in the nutritional scheme. The crop’s ‘choice’ is no longer necessary.
The soil live is not contributed to by mineral fertilizers, which can be seen as a disadvantage. Also, the amount of sodium in mineral fertilizers is higher than in organic fertilizers. Sodium could pile up and cause
damage in the roots, if mineral fertilizers aren’t added to the plant correctly. This is definitely something that should be paid attention to when making use of mineral fertilizers.