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What is HACCP?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an internationally recognized method of identifying and managing food safety related risk. HACCP guidelines help to guarantee food safety by analysing and limiting the risks in the production process as much as possible.

If you produce, process or transport food as a company, you are obliged to draw up a food safety procedure based on the basic principles of HACCP. This procedure is intended to map out the risks and dangers, with the aim of preventing them as much as possible. All kinds of things can go wrong in the production of food. In this article our specialist explains HACCP and its guidelines.
Martin Meuldijk
Specialist Crop Rotation | November 8, 2019 | 3 min. reading time

Types of risks

HACCP consists of two pillars: the analysis of the risk factors (HA = Hazard Analysis) and the determination of the critical control points within the production process at which these risk factors must be monitored (Critical Control Points). The HACCP-system distinguishes three different kinds of risks:
  • Microbiological risks: contamination with bacteria, fungi, viruses or viroids.
  • Chemical risks: hazardous substances such as residues of pesticides or other harmful substances
  • Physical risks: including glass and sharp metal or wood particles.

HACCP Guidelines

There is no premade protocol for HACCP in horticulture; every company has to develop this HACCP system itself. However, there are seven guidelines that you can use to comply with the HACCP guidelines:
  • Identify all possible risks at your company.
  • Determine which risks actually constitute a danger and what measures you can take to prevent this danger.
  • Identify the critical management points within your company so that you can monitor them and thus prevent, eliminate or reduce the consequences of the risk to an acceptable level.
  • For each CCP, indicate the critical limits: at what point should action be taken at the various critical control points?
  • Determine how the CCPs should be monitored: how should control be carried out at each point?
  • Define the measures to be taken per CCP when the risk is not controlled, so that the situation can be secured again.
  • Make sure that the CCPs are checked periodically to guarantee a safe situation.
  • Keep documentation and records of the system and the checks, so that the system implementation can be checked by authorities.
The above HACCP guidelines are based on the seven principles described in the Codex Alimentarius of the World Health Organization (WHO).

There is no ready-made protocol for HACCP in horticulture; each company must implement this HACCP system itself. The most important factor is often good company hygiene. Hygiene is very important in order to guarantee food safety.

HACCP Points of attention in horticulture

There is no clear roadmap for HACCP in horticulture. However, there are several points you can take into account:
  • There are several factors that influence the company's hygiene. Include them in the hygiene plan. People, in particular, pose a serious risk of spreading diseases. Hand disinfection and the disinfection of footwear upon entry is therefore of the utmost importance.
  • The cleaning of materials is also important. For cleaning machines and equipment that come in contact with vegetables or fruits, a HACCP-certified cleaning agent must be used. Furthermore, in the food industry you may not use wooden brooms and floor pullers, because bacteria can form in the wood. Therefore, use a plastic broom and floor puller. 
  • Wearing blue gloves ensures that products cannot become contaminated by bacteria or other forms of contamination on the hands. The blue colour makes the glove more visible when employees lose it. This also applies to blue plasters. In addition, metal foil is incorporated in the glove, so that a metal detector detects the plaster.
  • Employees are often aware of the hygiene rules at the company, but visitors are not. Therefore, ensure a clear hygiene protocol for visitors and offer them the right protective clothes (such as overshoes, guest coats, gloves and hairnets).
  • Good hygiene is also important in the production and processing process. For example, by working with different colored or numbered tools, the risk of losing tools is reduced. Moreover, plastic tools prevent contamination of the product, because no bacteria can settle in them (in contrast to wooden tools).
  • When lubricating machines, you need to use a lubricating oil with the Food Grade quality mark. Products with this quality mark are completely safe for consumption.
  • If you work with food products, make sure that HACCP certified lamps that meet the food hygiene standards are also used in the processing area. In case of breakage, the glass fragments and chemicals from the lamp are safely collected, so that they cannot end up on or in your product.  
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What is HACCP?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an internationally recognized method of identifying and managing food safety related risk. HACCP guidelines help to guarantee food safety by analysing and limiting the risks in the production process as much as possible.

If you produce, process or transport food as a company, you are obliged to draw up a food safety procedure based on the basic principles of HACCP. This procedure is intended to map out the risks and dangers, with the aim of preventing them as much as possible. All kinds of things can go wrong in the production of food. In this article our specialist explains HACCP and its guidelines.
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Martin Meuldijk
Martin Meuldijk
Specialist Crop Rotation | November 8, 2019 | 3 min. reading time
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Types of risks

HACCP consists of two pillars: the analysis of the risk factors (HA = Hazard Analysis) and the determination of the critical control points within the production process at which these risk factors must be monitored (Critical Control Points). The HACCP-system distinguishes three different kinds of risks:
  • Microbiological risks: contamination with bacteria, fungi, viruses or viroids.
  • Chemical risks: hazardous substances such as residues of pesticides or other harmful substances
  • Physical risks: including glass and sharp metal or wood particles.

HACCP Guidelines

There is no premade protocol for HACCP in horticulture; every company has to develop this HACCP system itself. However, there are seven guidelines that you can use to comply with the HACCP guidelines:
  • Identify all possible risks at your company.
  • Determine which risks actually constitute a danger and what measures you can take to prevent this danger.
  • Identify the critical management points within your company so that you can monitor them and thus prevent, eliminate or reduce the consequences of the risk to an acceptable level.
  • For each CCP, indicate the critical limits: at what point should action be taken at the various critical control points?
  • Determine how the CCPs should be monitored: how should control be carried out at each point?
  • Define the measures to be taken per CCP when the risk is not controlled, so that the situation can be secured again.
  • Make sure that the CCPs are checked periodically to guarantee a safe situation.
  • Keep documentation and records of the system and the checks, so that the system implementation can be checked by authorities.
The above HACCP guidelines are based on the seven principles described in the Codex Alimentarius of the World Health Organization (WHO).

There is no ready-made protocol for HACCP in horticulture; each company must implement this HACCP system itself. The most important factor is often good company hygiene. Hygiene is very important in order to guarantee food safety.

HACCP Points of attention in horticulture

There is no clear roadmap for HACCP in horticulture. However, there are several points you can take into account:
  • There are several factors that influence the company's hygiene. Include them in the hygiene plan. People, in particular, pose a serious risk of spreading diseases. Hand disinfection and the disinfection of footwear upon entry is therefore of the utmost importance.
  • The cleaning of materials is also important. For cleaning machines and equipment that come in contact with vegetables or fruits, a HACCP-certified cleaning agent must be used. Furthermore, in the food industry you may not use wooden brooms and floor pullers, because bacteria can form in the wood. Therefore, use a plastic broom and floor puller. 
  • Wearing blue gloves ensures that products cannot become contaminated by bacteria or other forms of contamination on the hands. The blue colour makes the glove more visible when employees lose it. This also applies to blue plasters. In addition, metal foil is incorporated in the glove, so that a metal detector detects the plaster.
  • Employees are often aware of the hygiene rules at the company, but visitors are not. Therefore, ensure a clear hygiene protocol for visitors and offer them the right protective clothes (such as overshoes, guest coats, gloves and hairnets).
  • Good hygiene is also important in the production and processing process. For example, by working with different colored or numbered tools, the risk of losing tools is reduced. Moreover, plastic tools prevent contamination of the product, because no bacteria can settle in them (in contrast to wooden tools).
  • When lubricating machines, you need to use a lubricating oil with the Food Grade quality mark. Products with this quality mark are completely safe for consumption.
  • If you work with food products, make sure that HACCP certified lamps that meet the food hygiene standards are also used in the processing area. In case of breakage, the glass fragments and chemicals from the lamp are safely collected, so that they cannot end up on or in your product.  
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Can't find your answer? Fill out the contact form and our specialist Martin Meuldijk will get back to you. On weekdays, even within 24 hours.
Martin Meuldijk
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